1. Weigela
Weigela is an Eastern Asia genus of deciduous shrubs in the Caprifoliaceae family consisting of 38 species that bear clusters of colorful tubular-shaped flowers in spring.

2. Watsonia
Watsonia, also called Bugle Lily, is a genus including 56 various herbs that feature showy trumpet-shaped flowers and sword-like leaves up to 46cm long.

3. Wild Indigo
Wild Indigo that usually grows wild along streams, or at the margin of woods are blue-purple, pea-like, and crowded densely. Its other names are Baptisia australis and Blue False Indigo.

4. Woolly Violet
Is a flower that goes by several names such as Viola sororia, Common Blue Violet, Purple Violet, Hooded Violet, and Wood Violet. It is edible and thrives in shady places.

5. Wax Begonia
Wax Begonia or Begonia semperflorens-cultorum is readily identified by its glossy, dark green or bronze leaves with loose clusters of flowers in shades of rose, red and white.

6. Winged Monkey Flower
Also called Mimulus alatas and the Sharp Wing Monkey-Flower, Winged Monkey Flower grows in wetlands. The winged stems and each flower resembles a monkey’s face, hence its common name.

7. Witch Hazel
Native to Eastern North America and Eastern Asia, the Witch Hazel genus (Hamamelis Virginiana) consists of 5 deciduous shrub species. This plant’s leaf, bark, and twigs are used to make remedies for skin ailments.

8. Willow Shrub
Willow counts over 400 shrubs that are moisture-loving and easy-care part of the Salix genus. They come in a diversity of sizes, colors, and adaptability.

9. Wood Lily
Wood Lily or Lilium philadelphicum is once the most widespread lily species in North America. Because of being picked frequently by visitors, this eye-catching flowering plant has become threatened in the wild.

10. Willow Bell
Is a flower that goes by several names such as Bellflower, Peach-Leaved Bellflower, Fairy Bells, and Campanula persicifolia. Willow Bell is a clump-forming perennial bearing violet-blue or white bell-shaped flowers.

11. Wild Strawberry
Also known as Virginia Strawberry and Fragaria vesca, Wild Strawberry is a ground-hugging perennial in the rose family. It has small, white flowers and tasty berries.

12. Wishbone Flower
Blooming during mid-summer to mid-fall, Wishbone Flower (Torenia fournieri) is a good choice to light up your shady garden. The velvety bicolored trumpet-shaped flowers with their throats of contrasting color can make you wow.

13. Whipple’s Cholla
Whipple’s Cholla or Cylindropuntia is a branching cactus that has bright yellow flowers. The annual plant has sharp spines, be extremely cautious when handling it.

14. Wandflower
Wandflower and Beeflower are the common names of Gaura lindheimeri, an easy and long-blooming perennial native to North American.

15. Waterlily
Originated from the temperature and tropical regions of the world, most Water Lily species (Nymphaeaceae) have large rounded leaves and solitary flowers borning above the freshwater surface on long stalks.

16. Wild Violet
The Midwest Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia) and Wooly Blue Violet (Viola papilionacea) are referred to as Wild Violet. Sometimes, using herbicides to eradicate this persistent, perennial weed is necessary.

17. Wedelia
A member of the sunflower family, Wedalia, also known as “creeping-oxeyes”, is a genus of wildflowers that have been used as a ground cover. It is considered a weed problem in Florida.

18. White Trumpet Pitcher Plant
Is a Southern carnivorous plant with distinctively white and red trumpets flowers. It is effective at trapping insects.

19. Whirling Butterflies
Whirling Butterflies or Gaura lindheimeri is a clump-forming perennial native to Southern American. Along with the full sun, good drainage is the key to success with this drought-tolerant plant.

20. Wild Rose
It belongs to the Rosa genus. Most Wild Roses are pink, some are red and white, and a few may have yellowish tints.

21. Wood Anemone
Wood Anemone usually grows in thick mats, spreading via rhizomes, and blooms in spring. Another name of this herbaceous perennial plant is Anemone quinquefolia.

22. Willow-leaved Sunflower
Willow-leaved Sunflower is a bluegrass prairie species that has willow-like leaves and showy yellow blossoms attractive to butterflies.

23. Wax Plant
Wax Plant, also called Hoya carnosa or Porcelain Flower, is a houseplant cultivated for the star-shaped, sweetly fragrant flowers that grow in umbrella-like clusters.

24. Wisteria
Wisteria genus contains 10 flowering vining plants in the family. Appearing blue to purple from a distance, Wisteria flowers are a wonderful accent in your pergola in spring and summer.

25. White Evening Primrose
This native North American drought-tolerant plant is an excellent choice for the rock garden or as edging. Oenothera speciosa, White-stem Evening-primrose, and Pale Evening-primrose are other names of White Evening Primrose.

26. Wallflower
Being beautiful, fragrant, and fast-growing, Wallflower (Gillyflower) is a welcome addition to any rock or garden in spring or fall.

27. Water Avens
Water Avens or Geum rivale is a moisture-loving plant usually used as a ground cover for cool and wet sites.