1. Spiny Lilac Flower Cactus
Originally from Argentina, Spiny Lilac Flower Cactus or Acanthocalycium klimpelianum is quite slow-growing and its flowers are funnelform, upright, and white or lilac-pink.

2. Shasta Daisy
The Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a hybrid combining the best qualities of several daisies. It has better features than typical daisies with larger, longer-blooming flowers.

3. Scotts Clematis
Scotts Clematis or Sugarbowls Clematis is prized for its bluish-purple, nodding, urn-shaped blossoms. This long-lived Clematis will make a wonderful show for your garden.

4. Siberian Bugloss
If you can’t decide what to plant in your shady, moisture garden, you can’t go wrong with Siberian Bugloss. In spring, its dainty sprays of tiny, pale blue flowers adorn the glowing foliage for an extra display.

5. Sand Dollar Cactus
Sand Dollar Cactus or Astrophytum Asteria is a summer grower that will bloom lovely white-yellowish flowers when well-taken care of during the growing season.

6. Scabiosa
With just a little care, Scabiosa (the Pincushion flower) can produce a bounty of pin-like flowers coming in colors of soft lavender-blue, lilac, or creamy-white throughout the summer.

7. Sea Holly
Sea Holly (Eryngium) is notable for its blue-tinted, thistle-like flowers adorned with a ruff of bracts in silver, green, or bluish-purple having the metallic sheen. It will add a touch of the unusual to your landscape.

8. Solomon’s Seal
Solomon’s Seal is also known as King Solomon’s-seal and Polygonatum. The clumping and spreading habit and the lively bell-shaped, greenish-white flowers make it a graceful groundcover for shady places.

9. Sedum
The Sedum genus counts up to 600 species that most of which are drought-tolerant plants with succulent leaves and showy star-shaped flowers, and are also called Stonecrop.

10. Snowdrop Windflower
Blooming from late spring to early summer, Snowdrop Windflower (Snowdrop Anemone) produces masses of delicate white flowers and is best planted in groups and partial shade.

11. Silky Wormwood
The Silky Wormwood flowers are pale yellow, clustered in bent-down heads, and have no decorative interest. Their silvery-green foliage creates a great contrast to other plants’ green foliage in your garden.

12. Saffron
Saffron Crocus (Crocus Sativus) is more notable for its use as a spice than its beauty. Its long, crimson stigmas are used for seasoning, medicine, and coloring agent in food, called Saffron.

13. Siberian Iris
Siberian Iris plants are among the most adaptable Iris for landscaping and the perennial border thanks to their neat growing habit and their delicate tall stems and flowers.

14. Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus
Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus has mounds up to 100 stems with flowers in colors ranging from scarlet, pink to deep crimson shades. It can thrive in the most inhospitable conditions.

15. Silene
Most known as the catchfly that refers to Silene’s sticky stems and leaves, Silene plants have colorful, rich-nectar flowers, making them a great complement to pollinator gardens.

16. Scarlet Buckeye
Is a large shrub or small tree bearing long clusters of bright to deep red, tubular blossoms in spring. It has several names such as Red Buckeye, Firecracker Plant, Woolly Buckeye, and Aesculus pavia.

17. Southern Blue Flag
A wetland species of Iris, Southern Blue Flag (Iris virginica) has charming blossoms adorned with conspicuous veins and a yellow blotch. The flower color is variable but is typically blue violet.

18. Spiked Speedwell
Because of its compact habit and its eye-catching dense, upright spikes of blossoms in shades of violet-blue, Spiked Speedwell (Veronica spicata) is a wonderful choice for cottage gardens.

19. Seven Stars
Seven Stars or Living Rock (Ariocarpus Furfuraceous) is a solitary, slow-growing cactus characterized by its equilaterally triangular tubercles with white wool and its white to pinkish flowers.

20. Snowball Cactus
Covered in white fuzz and a veil of radial spines, Snowball cactus (Mammillaria candida) is a clustered, rounded cactus that can reach 15 cm in diameter with pink or white blooms.

21. Spider Lily
Is the common name for flowering plants belonging to four genera in the Amaryllidaceae family. Each flower has very slender segments that radiate from the center, resembling a spider.

22. Scarlet Strawberry
Scarlet Strawberry or Fragaria virginiana is a cool-season plant that produces small, white blooms with yellow centers, followed by masses of tiny, intensely sweet berries in late spring to early summer.

23. Scarlet Rose Mallow
Suited to bog or rain gardens, Scarlet Rose Mallow or Texas Star Hibiscus is worth growing for its showy bright crimson starry-shaped blooms and its bold, palmately lobed leaves.

24. Syringa
Syringa (Lilac) genus includes 12 woody species in the olive family whose tubular blossoms come in colors of white, rose, and lavender. The flowers’ scent may be overwhelming to asthmatics.

25. Spider Flower
Blooming from early summer until frost, Spider Flower (Cleome hassleriana) produces loose balls of pink, purple, or white flowers with long stamens, giving them a spider-like look.

26. Shooting Star Flower
The Shooting Star is the common name of Dodecatheon, a genus of herbaceous plants having numerous nodding flowers with petals diverging upward, blooming in the springtime.

27. Shining Blue Star
Boasting terminal clusters of starry, light blue flowers, Shining Blue Star or Ozark Bluestar blooms in early to mid-spring, and its willow-like green foliage will turn golden in fall.

28. Showy Stonecrop
Suitable for mass planting and growing in containers, Showy Stonecrop (Sedum spectabile “Brilliant”) is easy to grow and bears numerous beautiful pink flower clusters, making it an excellent choice for your landscape.

29. St. John’s Wort Plant
Adaptable to various moisture regimes, St. John’s Wort Plant (Hypericum perforatum) is a mound-shaped shrub with yellow flowers and has been used in medicine for centuries but is poisonous to livestock.

30. Sand Phlox
Charming mat-forming ground cover tolerant of drought and poor soils, Sand Phlox or Phlox bifida bursts out deeply-lobed, pale blue or white, snowflake-like flowers in spring.

31. Saponaria
Perfect for rock walls or as ground covers, Saponaria plants (commonly called Soapworts) produce a sea of pink or white blooms from late spring to summer and contain Saponins that can create liquid soap.

32. Solanum
Solanum is an immensely diverse genus of 2,000 species worldwide, including food crops, such as tomato, potato, and eggplant, different ornamental and medicinal species.

33. Showy Milkweed
A milky-sapped perennial plant, Show Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) can grow in most soil types but does not tolerate shade and bears fragrant, nectar-rich, pinkish-purple flowers.

34. Scaevola
Originally from Australia, Scaevola plants have excellent heat tolerance, even in triple-digit temperatures. Their common name, fan-flowers, came about due to the flowers’ fan shape.

35. Sea Thrift
Flowering profusely from mid to late spring, Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima) is prized for its spherical clusters of pink to lavender blossoms and is ideal for edging walks or borders.

36. Smoke Tree
Cotinus, also called the Smoke Tree or Smoke Bush, is a genus of 7 flowering plants which are used as garden specimens because of its distinctive purplish-pink smokey plumes.

37. Sorrel
Readily finding it in any grass-type environment, Sorrel or Spinach Dock is usually cultivated as a vegetable or an herb, with a remarkably sour flavor. It has spikes of reddish-green flowers.

38. Siberian Larkspur
Originally from Rusia and China, Siberian Larkspur is moderately difficult to care but it worth growing because of its graceful spikes of flowers, in shades of blue. It is poisonous to cattle.

39. Scented Geranium
Is the name of several species of the Pelargonium genus having leaves that release a fragrant when touched. Scented Geraniums are great for growing in herb gardens in cool climates.

40. Snow-in-Summer
A ground cover for Northern areas along the coast, Snow-in-Summer is a carpet-type plant blooming profusely in the early summer, with a dense array of white flowers likened to a snowfall.

41. Salvia Splendens
Salvia Splendens (the Scarlet Sage) is a tender perennial featuring long-tubed, dense, usually scarlet blossoms, which blend nicely into the look of a Modern-day cottage gardens.

42. Serbian Bellflower
A winter hardy and fast-growing semi-evergreen, the Serbian Bellflower or Trailing Bellflower can turn the landscape into a sea of violet-blue with their vibrant, spring-blooming, star-like flowers.

43. Shrub Rose
Shrub Roses come in a variety of heights and colors. Some shrub roses work well as hedges, while others make great ground covers. They require less care than classic roses.

44. Society Garlic
An edible ground cover native to the grasslands of South Africa, Society Garlic boasts umbel-like clusters of fragrant, lavender flowers atop up to 2-feet-tall grassy foliage.

45. Scilla
Easy to grow and low care, most Scilla species (Squills or Bluebells) are suitable for woodland walks and rock gardens. In spring, they grace your landscape with their cheerful blue flower clumps.